# 1. DoxygenToolkit.vim
let g:doxygenToolkit_authorName="your name"
# 2. Doxygen.vim
cd ~/.vim/after/syntax;
ln -s doxygen.vim c.vim;
ln -s doxygen.vim cpp.vim;
ln -s doxygen.vim java.vim;
:vimgrep /pattern/[g][j] file1 file2 ... fileN
vimgrep is using to search pattern from following filelist.
vimgrep accept to ignore case,
If want to using this feature, put /\c in the pattern to ignore case.
ex: vimgrep /pattern\c/ filename
or put /\C in the pattern to match it.
ex: vimgrep /PaTtErn\c/ filename
Without flag 'j', vim jumps to the first match.
With flag 'j', vim only quickfix list is updated.
You can using :clist to list all match location.
and using :cc N to jump to the match.
:cn can jump to the next match location.
:cN can jump back prior match.
more usage, please using :help vimgrep
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